
You wrote a manuscript! Awesome. Now you want to send it on its way out into the world. But you need some help. Whether you’re having trouble cracking the submission process, not getting responses, or hearing feedback that you need to take your manuscript to the next level, I offer a variety of editorial services that can help you get your manuscript or submission into the best shape it can be.

What services do you offer?
Please see below for my current service menu:

  • Query Critique: detailed feedback and line edits on your query letter for potential agents and editors. Includes both several paragraphs of feedback and in-document comments.
  • Submission Package: a comprehensive review of the standard submission materials (query, synopsis, first 3 chapters). This will include detailed feedback on all three of these components. You will receive two documents with this package, one with written feedback (usually 4-5 pages of notes, organized by topic) and the other a copy of your documents with in-line edits and comments.
  • Reader’s Report: broad scale, developmental feedback addressing issues such as plot, character development, voice, world building, etc. for your entire manuscript. Even though this is broad scale feedback, this report tends to be fairly thorough and provides suggestions to correct identified issues. These reports usually run in the 5-8 page range.
  • Note: If there’s a service you’re interested in that isn’t listed here (for example, a report on just several chapters that are giving you trouble, brainstorming session, etc), please let me know and I’m happy to try and come up with an option for you. Of course, you can also combine more than one option.

What’s your turnaround time?
I will always confirm turnaround time with you personally, as it could vary depending on my workload. However, my general turnaround time is 7-8 days for smaller critiques (submission package or query critique) and 10-12 days for a reader’s report. Often turnaround is sooner than these windows.

What’s your editorial experience?
My editorial experience comes from experience as a literary agent myself at one of the oldest literary agencies in the U.S. (McIntosh and Otis, Inc.) where I worked with a range of both adult and children’s titles. This background really helps me provide insight into those looking to land an agent or editor, as I’ve been on the receiving end of submissions myself and can provide that insider industry perspective you may be missing from your own review and beta readers.

As an agent I provided editorial feedback for a variety of clients, and also provided agent critiques and contest judging for organizations such as SCBWI, Writer’s Digest, and RWA. Before my agency experience, I also worked as an editorial intern at a publisher (W.W. Norton & Company) and did work for editorial outlets such as The Book Report Network.

What is your editing style?

While I will tailor edits depending on your needs, I generally specialize in broad, developmental content editing that will target issues with plot, voice, character motivation, world building, and large-scale writing issues. Rather than line edits or more technical feedback (grammar, syntax, etc.), my interest and specialty is in the content issues facing your manuscript or submission (with occasional, less intensive notes on writing if relevant).  My goal is to target the issues that agents and editors will be evaluating your manuscript on as they’re deciding whether or not to move forward with a project.

What are your specialty genres?
Best matches:
YA: Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller, Speculative or Light Sci-Fi, Magical Realism, Historical
MG: Contemporary, Historical, Fantasy/Adventure, Mystery
Adult: Commercial Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, Contemporary Romance

Not the best matches:
YA: Hard Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Non-Fiction
MG: Sci-Fi, animal characters, Non-Fiction
Adult: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, “Book Club” Fiction, Non-Fiction

If you’d like to request a quote for one of the editorial services above, please complete the form below with a detailed description of your project and what you’re looking for. I’ll get back to you shortly after!